Recent Immigrant

1. Who is a Recent Immigrant?


Recent Immigrant is a person who leaves India to settle permanently in another country. It is suggested that the documents like Tax Residency Certificate of the immigrating Country recognising immigrant as Tax resident of the said Country, employment Visa, “business setup”, Green Card or any other similar document shall help such a person to confirm and establish with the Indian Tax authorities and Reserve Bank of India that he is an Immigrant from particular date/year.

2. Can a Recent Immigrant continue to hold Indian Assets?


Yes, Recent Immigrant may hold, own, transfer or invest any kind of Indian assets such as immovable property, bank deposits, shares, life insurance policies, debentures, bonds etc., which was acquired, held or owned by him/her when he/she was residing in India or if it was inherited by him/her. This also includes/cover accretion of income and appreciation of assets stated above. 

3. Is RBI permission required by Recent Immigrant for retaining their Indian assets after they leave India?


No, RBI permission is not required.

4. What shall be the impact on Indian Assets?


Recent immigrant upon leaving India is required to declare about change in Residential Status and his intention to stay abroad. Such declaration can be a simple communication and may be shared with different authorities like Bank, Brokers, Companies etc. The authorities shall make record of change in Residential status from Resident to Non-Resident and accordingly, re-designate the Indian bank accounts/assets as under:


Treatment to be given

Resident Savings Bank a/c

Re-designate to NRO Savings a/c

Resident Current a/c

Re-designate to NRO Current a/c

Resident Fixed Deposit (FD)

Re-designate the Resident FD to NRO FD.


Further it is to be noted that depending on Bank’s policy and procedures, FD may be directly designated to NRO FD or may be pre-matured and then a new NRO FD may be opened.

Shares, Debentures, Bonds, Units of Mutual Funds, etc.

Can continue to hold these investments. However, need to Inform all companies, funds, Brokers etc. as to change of residential status from Resident to “Non- Resident”.

Immovable Property (Commercial/Residential/Agricultural Land/Plantation etc.)

  Can continue to hold and deal in whatsoever     manner upon becoming Non-Resident


     Tax implications:


Generally, a Recent Immigrant, based on Assets held in India, earns following income in India:


a. Interest Income

b. Dividend Income

c. Capital Gains

d. Rental Income


The taxability of said sources of income shall be determined based on the Residential Status of the said immigrant in India, as per the Income-tax Act, 1961

Accordingly, the Recent Immigrant shall have to determine his residential status for the relevant FY as per the Income-tax Act, 1961. The taxability of income earned by Recent Immigrant shall be as under:

- If he/she is a ROR in the year of departure, both income earned in and outside India shall be taxable in India and

- If he/she is a RNOR for the FY, income which is received, earned or accrued in India shall be taxable in India. Further, income earned outside India from business controlled or profession set-up in India shall also be taxable in India.

- If he/she is a Non-Resident for the FY, only income which is received, earned or accrued in India shall be taxable in India.

Therefore, Recent Immigrant should carefully plan his/her date/month of departure from India to maintain NRI/RNOR status and try to avoid tax on global income.

If the Recent Immigrant qualifies to be Non-resident of India, then the income from the said Assets in India would be taxed at rates as applicable to Non-resident of India as per the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961, which has been explained in the Chapter No. 14 on TDS and Tax Liability in India in this Booklet. Further, the said Recent Immigrant shall also be entitled to claim benefit/ relief under Double Taxation Avoidance agreement as entered in between India and Resident country of the said Immigrant, as explained in the Chapter No.22 on Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) in this Booklet

Further, any individual whose taxable income in India for the relevant FY exceeds the basic exemption limit (i.e. Rs. 2,50,000/-   for FY 2023-24), is liable to file ROI in India before the prescribed due date. There are also other exceptional cases, where one is liable to file ROI in India. It is important for Recent Immigrant to evaluate and continue to comply with ROI filing requirement in India, as applicable.

5. Can a person continue to hold and operate Resident banking a/c once he leaves India for good?


Kindly refer response given in FAQ 4 above

6. Can a person continue to hold and deal with shares and securities of Indian Companies on leaving India?


Kindly refer response given in FAQ 4 above

7. Is an individual required to obtain any certificate from Indian Income Tax Department while departing India for good?


Under the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961, any person leaving India for good is required to obtain Tax Clearance Certificate from the Tax Officer.


However, practically, any person leaving India for good is not obtaining tax clearance certificate as prescribed under the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 

In view of this, it is suggested that one should take advice from his professional advisor and do the needful.

8. Can Recent Immigrant continue to operate his/her business in India or continue to be a partner in a Registered Firm in India?


In general, it is suggested that, a person leaving India can continue his/her business operations in India and continue to be a proprietor, partner, director, trustee etc in any organisation in India. However, considering the complexity in relation to compliances and permissibility/non permissibility of certain transactions, it is advised to obtain advice from a professional.

9. Can Recent Immigrant continue to his/her business set up outside India under the Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) Route?


The RBI has not prescribed any regulation on this aspect. However, in general, it may be considered that, a person leaving India can continue his/her business operations outside India set up under ODI route. Considering the complexity in relation to RBI compliances/reporting  and permissibility/non permissibility of certain transactions, it is advised to obtain advice from a professional.

10. Can Recent Immigrant continue to hold investments made outside India under LRS Scheme even after becoming Non-resident?


It is considered that, a person leaving India can continue his/her existing investments made outside India under LRS Scheme.  However, RBI has not prescribed any regulation on this aspect and it is advised to obtain advice from a professional.

11. Can a person who is holding any asset including immovable property, when he was a resident, continue to hold such property even after becoming Non-resident? In which account can the sale proceeds of such assets be credited?

Ans. Yes, a person who had bought the residential / commercial property / agricultural land/ plantation property/ farmhouse or any other asset in India when he was a Resident can continue to hold the immovable property without approval of RBI even after becoming Non-resident. The sale proceeds shall be credited to his/her NRO banking a/c.

12. Can the sale proceeds of the immovable property referred to in above FAQ 11 be remitted abroad?


Yes, from balance in NRO a/c, Non-resident may remit up to USD 1 million per FY, subject to the procedure mandated by AD Bank and payment of applicable taxes.

13. What are points to be kept in mind by a person leaving India?


i.  Planning the date and month of departure out of India so as ensure minimum tax liability in the year of departure (i.e. April to March).

ii.  Taxability of Income earned in and outside India in the year of departure and in the subsequent period.

iii.  Advice / information on various aspects of  FEMA in respect of holding of assets in and outside India.

iv.  Filing ROI in India for subsequent years as “Non-Resident”.

v.  Intimate his Bankers about the change in the banking accounts as per FAQ 4

vi.  He may opt for giving a general / specific POA to a close relative to do things on his behalf during his stay abroad.

vii.  Intimate the companies, firms where he is a shareholder, partner, and deposit holder about the change in his status as “Non-Resident” under FEMA as per FAQ 4.

viii.  Make an application for Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) from country of new residence to claim Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty (DTAA) benefits between India and the country of residence, where applicable. This may help reduce his tax liability in India/outside India.

14. What shall be the tax liability of a Recent Immigrant in India on income earned in and outside India?

Ans. Kindly refer response given in FAQ 4 above

15. Whether Recent Immigrant is required to inform Government Authorities about his change in residential status and overseas assets that he holds?

Ans. Recent Immigrants are required to report to following authorities as under:

· To Income Tax Department

- Mention his/her updated residential status under the Income-tax Act, 1961 while filling ROI with Income Tax Department

- No longer required to report overseas assets in in Foreign Asset (FA) Schedule in his/her ROI as Non-Resident

· To RBI: No need to report about change in residential status and overseas asset to RBI

16. Consider a person living in US on H1B work visa for the past 2 years. Prior to that he lived and worked in India and a person leaving India had opened a PPF a/c. Can he continue to contribute/deposit to that a/c now every year?


PPF account can be opened only by an Indian resident. However, if an Indian resident after opening a PPF account becomes a Non-resident, he can still continue to contribute to the account from his/her NRO or a NRE a/c. On completion of period of 15 years, if he is a Non-Resident, he will be unable to extend the PPF a/c and will need to mandatorily close the a/c and withdraw the sum. He needs to check whether he is liable to tax in country of his residence on the interest credited to his account every year.

For such PFF accounts, where Form H - submitted for extension beyond 15 years and it did not inquire about the residency of the account holder, the following shall apply:

  • NRIs can continue to earn interest at Post Office Savings Account (POSA) rate until September 30, 2024.
  • After this date, these accounts will earn zero interest.

17. What happens on maturity of his PPF a/c (if he is Non-resident)?


Non-Resident is not eligible for extension on PPF account. Hence, at time of maturity Non-Resident is required to withdraw balance from the PPF a/c and transfer to NRO a/c. There is no tax implication in India on maturity of PPF a/c. However, Non-Resident shall have to check the tax implications of such maturity in his resident country and applicable DTAA provisions.

For such PFF accounts, where Form H - submitted for extension beyond 15 years and it did not inquire about the residency of the account holder, the following shall apply:

  • NRIs can continue to earn interest at Post Office Savings Account (POSA) rate until September 30, 2024.
  • After this date, these accounts will earn zero interest.

18. Can relative of Non-resident take actions on behalf of Non-resident while he is outside India?


Yes, relative can act as long as Non-resident has given a general/ specific POA to take certain authorized actions on Non-resident’s behalf while he/she is outside India.

19. How much jewellery can be carried while going abroad?


Taking personal jewellery out of India is as per the Baggage Rules, governed and administered by Customs Department, Government of India. While no approval of the Reserve Bank is required in this case, approvals, if any, required from Customs Authorities may be obtained.

20. Can a Resident Indian who has left India for good use the limit of USD 2,50,000/- per FY under LRS?


The Recent Immigrant is not considered as a resident in India under FEMA and accordingly he is not eligible to repatriate under LRS scheme.


However, such person is eligible to repatriate up to USD 1 million every FY, out of any funds held in NRO account.


Updated 10/2023